Fitmama Strong Durham

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Improve your Core Connection

Feeling disconnected from your deep core since having a baby?

This is a very common issue for so many of us and is rooted in the physical changes your body made during pregnancy coupled with with habits and postural/alignment positions your body holds through the day.

Like most things, a little bit of education as to the "Why" this happens plus some support and strategies you can implement daily to improve your core connection are a big part of what we cover in all of our classes and 1-1 sessions.

So whether you had a baby 6 weeks ago, 6 months ago or 16 years ago, here are three suggestions to improve your core connection:

1. Get assessed by a pelvic floor physiotherapist. We have tons of referrals to amazing practitioners. With a little help from a specialized practitioner you will learn more about how YOUR body works and personalized strategies to help support your goals.

2. Did you know that many females OVER activate the core and pelvic floor? This constant squeezing and overuse of the abodminals actually weakens your core over time. Tummy sucking, ab gripping, breath holding, rib thrusting, chest breathing and butt squeezing all have the same effect on our core: it creates too much tension and over time those tight over-activated muscles become 'weak'. To find balance we often have to address the tension and learn new strategies and change up some habits.

3. Invite your diaphragm to be a part of the team. Learn how to expand your breath into your rib cage and allow the overflow of air to gently spread across your belly (don't push all the air into your belly). Feel your breath move deeply into your pelvis. Can't feel that? Place your hands where you want your breath to go. Get feedback. Practice and practice some more. Next visualize the muscles of your pelvic floor moving in and up on EXHALE. There are lots of cues that can be used to help you connect your Brain with your body to execute the movement fully.

Once you have found the strategy that works for you (are you a jellyfish, do you love to pick up blueberries that you love to hold, and not to squish them and make juice, do you imagine a flower blossoming on inhale and closing on exhale) you can start connecting further with movement.

Favourite Moves for Connecting with our Core

Bridge lifts & clam shells are some of my favourite movements to help make those mind/body/core connections.

Practice finding a neutral pelvis (not too tucked under, not too tipped back) and try to get your rib cage stacked over your pelvis. - and just keep in mind that there is no such thing as Perfect Alignment, but we can all try to put our bodies in their most optimal position which enables our muslces to be strongest at their midpoint! (A muscle is weakest when it is either too long or too short).

Finally, don't fret! You can get strong at any time of your life, at any stage of your life and your current and future self will benefit.

It can feel ovewhelming when you don't know where or how to start, so if you're feeling stuck- reach out to me! Let's go! You got this 🥰

Interested in joining us? Our classes are a great way to meet other new parents. Fitmama Strong Durham has been operating in the Durham Region since 2010. We offer prenatal fitness, prenatal yoga, babywearing fitness, stroller fitness, live-online classes and and on-demand library of workouts. Our in-person and online community is a thriving and welcoming space for you and your littles.

#startwithus and #growwithus by purchasing one of our class passes. We can’t wait to have you join us! (formerly FITMOM Durham)