Fitmama Strong Durham

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FITMOM Durham's move of the week: The lunge

Lunges are one of the best compound exercises out there, next to the squat, of course!

Lunges target the quadriceps, gluteus maximus and hamstrings.  During pregnancy it is important to train these muscles because when they are strong they can help facilitate weight-bearing activities, making walking and standing easier as your belly grows, as well as support you during labour and birth.
After you give birth you should continue to train these muscles.  Doing so will improve your metabolism as well as your strength & stamina so that you can care for your baby easily.  Remember, the stronger you are the easier it will be to carry your baby, lift your baby in and out of seats, push the stroller and chase them as they grow!

There are tons of variations for the lunge.  As you get stronger you can progress from the forward lunge (as described below) to rear lunges, travelling lunges, or pulses to name a few.  At FITMOM, we like to do all of the above while using our baby's for motivation and added weight resistance.

  1. To perform a basic  lunge start with your toes pointed straight ahead. 
  2. Take one exaggerated step forward (more than a comfortable step) with the desired leg.  Land the heel of the front foot while the back foot is lifted with the heel off the floor.
  3. Keep your knees and feet aligned.
  4. Keep your head up, lift your chest up and hips facing forward.  Contract your abdominal muscles.
  5. Inhale as you lower your back leg towards the ground.  The front knee remains directly over the ankle with the shin perpendicular to the ground.  Avoid the front knee from passing over the front toes.  Pause at the bottom of the movement, before the back knee touches the floor.
  6. Exhale as you push off the front leg until you are back to your starting position. 

For the mom to be:                                                                   After baby:
Sets: 1-2                                                                                       Sets: 2-3
Reps: 10-15                                                                                 Reps: 12-15

     Remember to consult with your care provider before starting any new fitness routine. Avoid exercise if you feel any pain or discomfort.