Fitmama Strong Durham

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Ready for Impact?

How to Add Higher Impact Activities to your Fitness Routine

Add impact to your workout by jumping out of your squat

At Fitmama Strong, we always encourage our members to prioritize TIME over INTENSITY and to establish a solid strength base prior to adding higher impact training. As your exercise routine becomes more consistent and you’ve completed the appropriate rehab and strength training in the postpartum period, you can being to include more impact base exercises. We highly recommend a gradual return to higher impact training, especially for those in their first year postpartum.

The current physical activity guidelines recommend that you are at least 3 - 6 months postpartum before beginning to add higher impact training to your fitness plan. We specialize in the prenatal and postpartum population, so you’re always assured that our programs will offer the appropriate progressions, modifications and cues to help get you there!

For those who are further along on their postpartum journey and are planning to return to running or other high impact sports in the near future, it might be time for you to include some impact training into each workout to prepare for your return.

If you’re looking for some of inspiration, check out our YouTube Channel to see a selection of the exercises we include in our Express Elevate classes, as well as some of the exercises we recommend for a return to running (we use these each spring when we add running back into our routines!)

How do you know if you’re ready for impact? You should be able to meet each of the benchmarks below, as a minimum, to gradually increase impact:

  • You are at least 12 weeks postpartum (but this is still early!)

  • You strength train 2-3 times/week

  • You have been working out consistently for 6 - 8+ weeks

  • You have addressed (or are working on improving) any core/pelvic floor issues 

Jumping Progression Examples:

  • Squat to toe raise

  • Single leg calf raise with opposite leg knee drive

  • Skipping with alternating legs

  • Skipping/hopping on one leg

  • Small jump squats

You should be able to complete dynamic and powerful movements like the ones listed above without any pelvic floor symptoms. If you notice any leaking, pain, doming/coning of the abdomen, breath holding or an increase in prolapse symptoms you may want to take it down to a slightly more modified level and focus on breathing & pelvic floor coordination before trying again.

Interested in joining us? Our community is a great way to meet other new parents. Fitmama Strong Durham has been operating in-person classes in the Durham Region since 2010 and we’ve been offering Online classes online from our virtual studio since 2020. Our community is a thriving and welcoming space for you and your littles.

We offer Prenatal Fitness and Prenatal Yoga classes, on-demand from our virtual studio through a special series. Our 30 minute live, online Express classes include a Prenatal friendly Yoga class.

If you’re new to Fitmama Strong Online, try one of our 3 Class Passes! You can use them at any of our Express classes on our live, online schedule. It doesn’t matter if you’re pregnant, your baby was born 6 weeks ago or 6 years ago, we have something for all of our members! Already been to Fitmama Strong classes? Attend and in-person series or grab a monthly membership and keep moving with us. Please note that our New to Fitmama Strong 3 Class Pass cannot be used at our in-person series of classes.

Finally, we offer in-person Stroller Fitness and Babywearing Fitness in the Durham Region and Ottawa locations. We can’t wait to have you join us!

We can’t wait for you to #startwithus and #growwithus. Join us Online or at one of our in-person classes!