Fitmama Strong Durham

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Let's do the time warp again.....

It's just a jump to the left.
And a step to the right.
Put your hand on your hips.
You bring your knees in tight.
But it's the pelvic thrust, that relly drives you insane.
Let's do the time warp again!

Today we gained an hour of sleep.
Or did we?
Maybe before you had kids you could enjoy the extra hour that is a result of turning the clocks back, but not this year!
If you're really lucky your monkey handled the day just fine. But, if your kids are anything like mine you may have experienced the following:

  • meal creep
  • shortned naps
  • early to bed
  • late to bed
  • frequent wakings
  • cranky, irritable, prickly personalities

These 'symptoms' may persist for a few days while your baby (who can't tell time) adjusts to the new clock.

Sleep, and lack there of, is a common complaint for mom's. Some families are lucky enough to have naturally good sleepers, while others need to work at helping thier babies develop healthy sleep habits.

If you fall into the latter group, then visit and register for the upcoming FREE session they are hosting on developing healthy sleep habits. The workshop is taking place on Wednesday, November 17 2010 from 1-2:30pm at the Whitby Ontario Early Years Centre.